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Yoga for Seniors 60+


Contact details

Phone: 02 9569 0870
Email: info@yogatogo.com.au
Website: http://www.yogatogo.com.au

Program details

Yoga for Seniors  follows the classical Iyengar Yoga method which can be appropriately adapted to meet the needs of seniors by use of props and modifications. Special consideration is given to limited mobility, joint problems, specific to the need of students etc. Classes are ideal for those with no previous experience with yoga and for those that have previous experience and are conducted in a supportive and caring environment

Opening hours:

uesday & Thursdays 11:30 - 12:30pm - Online Classes


Cost per visit: $18 per visit

Target age:

60 Plus

Special requirements or conditions:

Wear comfortable clothing, no shoes required

Minimum experience:


Transport options:

  • Bus
  • Train

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