NSW Health program and services
NSW Health program and services
Get Healthy Service
- Free phone and online health coaching service to help people make lifestyle changes and reach their health goals.
- www.gethealthynsw.com.au
- Ph: 1300 806 258
Knockout Health Challenge
- A free program where you can come together with mob to eat healthy and live a more active life.
- www.nswknockouthealthchallenge.com.au
Healthy Living
- Healthy eating tips and free programs to get you active.
- www.healthyliving.nsw.gov.au
NSW Health
- Information and links to public health services within NSW, and access to health professionals such as community nurses, dentists, dietitians, doctors, occupational therapists, optometrists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and psychologists etc.
- www.health.nsw.gov.au
- Ph: 02 9391 9000
Information for healthy ageing
Information for healthy ageing
Eat for Health
- The Australian Dietary Guidelines, tips, and advice on eating healthy, and resources to help people make healthy good choices.
- www.eatforhealth.gov.au
Healthdirect Australia
- Free 24-hour telephone health advice service line staffed by registered nurses to provide expert health advice.
- www.healthdirect.gov.au
- Ph: 1800 022 222
My Aged Care
My Aged Care
- Information on finding and accessing the right government-funded aged care services.
- www.myagedcare.gov.au
- Ph: 1800 200 422
Government services
Government services
Veterans Affairs
- Offers support and services to those who serve or have served, including making a claim, support for families, mental health support services, and Veteran Card.
- www.dva.gov.au
- Ph: 13 32 54 or 1800 838 372
NSW Ageing and Disability Commission
- Promotes the rights of older people and adults with disability to live free from abuse in their family, home, and community.
- www.ageingdisabilitycommission.nsw.gov.au
- Ph: 1800 628 221 - NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline
Find a health professional
Find a health professional
Find a Physiotherapist
Find a Podiatrist
Find a Psychologist
Find a Dietitian
Find an Exercise Physiologist
Find an Occupational Therapist
Find an Optometrist
Find a Speech Pathologist
Community organisations
Community organisations
Aboriginal Home Care Services, Australian Unity
- Information on privately funded Aboriginal Home Care services – no assessments required.
- Visit their website here.
- Ph: 1300 797 606
Arthritis NSW
- Resources and information about living well with arthritis, including gentle exercise classes and free webinars.
- www.arthritisnsw.org.au
- Ph: 1800 011 041
Carers NSW
- Information, education and training, resources, and referrals to support carers.
- www.carersnsw.org.au
- Ph: 1800 242 636 (free call) 9am to 5pm
- After hours service: Call Lifeline 13 11 14
Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW Inc (CPSA)
- Promoting the rights of pensioners, superannuants and low-income retirees and improving their quality of life. Discover activities for seniors in their area, including sports, games, book clubs, and social groups.
- www.cpsa.org.au
- Ph: 1800 451 488
Continence Foundation of Australia
- Information and resources on preventing incontinence, living with incontinence and caring for someone with incontinence.
- Find a Continence Service Provider: www.continence.org.au/get-help/continence-service-providers
- www.continence.org.au
- Ph: 1800 330 066 (National Continence Helpline offering free and confidential information, advice and support by Nurse Continence Specialists)
Council on the Ageing (COTA) NSW
- Not-for-profit organisation representing the rights and interests of people over 50 in NSW. Provides information pathways to inform on key issues and works with older people in NSW to advocate on their concerns and needs.
- www.cotansw.com.au
- Ph: 02 9286 3860 or 1800 449 102
Dementia Australia
- Information and support to help individuals, families, friends, and carers living with dementia.
- www.dementia.org.au
- Ph: 1800 100 500 (National Dementia Helpline)
Diabetes Australia
- Information and resources for the prevention of diabetes and living with diabetes, including prevention programs and services.
- www.diabetesaustralia.com.au
- Ph: 1800 177 055
Guide Dogs NSW / ACT
- Information and support programs for people with low vision and blindness, including dog services, orthoptics, and assistive technology training.
- www.guidedogs.com.au
- Ph: 02 9412 9300
Healthy Bones Australia
- Information and educational resources on how to maintain healthy bones and osteoporosis. Search for a Bone Density Testing outlet or Hospital-based Fracture Liaison Service.
- www.healthybonesaustralia.org.au
- Ph: 1800 242 141 (helpline)
Macular Disease Foundation Australia
- Information and resources about macular disease and how to navigate government and low vision services. Provides support to those living with macular disease and cares.
- www.mdfoundation.com.au
- Ph: 1800 111 709 (Help line)
MS Australia
- Information and resources about MS for people with MS and family, friends and carers.
- www.msaustralia.org.au/for-people-with-ms
- Ph: 1300 010 158
National Heart Foundation
- Information and resources to support people live a heart-healthy lifestyle, including medical information, healthy eating information and step-by-step recipes.
- www.heartfoundation.org.au
- Ph: 02 9211 5188
National Prescribing Service Limited
- Information and resources to support the safe use of medicines, including a medicine finder, medication safety for older adults and information about medication side effects.
- www.nps.org.au
- Ph: 1300 633 424 (medicines line) 9am to 5pm
Parkinson's NSW
- Working to make life better for people living with Parkinson’s, their families, and carers. Find essential services such as counselling, Support Groups, information and education.
- www.parkinsonsnsw.org.au
- Ph: 1800 644 189 (InfoLine supported by Parkinson’s Registered Nurses)
Poisons Information Centre
- Latest poisons information for the public, including a telephone advice line from anywhere in Australia.
- www.poisonsinfo.nsw.gov.au
- Ph: 13 11 26 (24 hour telephone advice line)
Seniors Rights Service
- Support for older people, particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, with free legal advice and referrals, aged care advocacy and information.
- www.seniorsrightsservice.org.au
- Ph: 1800 424 079
Vision Australia
- Services, information, and personalised technology for people experiencing, or supporting those with, vision loss.
- www.visionaustralia.org
- Ph: 1300 847 466