NSW Health - Active and Healthy logo


Tomaree Library and Community Centre
Salamander Bay

Contact details

Phone: 0414 700 860
Email: info@BayFit.net.au
Website: http://www.BayFit.net.au

Program details

ActiveStrongerBetter is a low-cost community-based program for older adults to exercise at a safe, low-moderate intensity under the supervision of a qualified ActiveStrongerBetter Leader.

It is a joint initiative of the Hunter Ageing Alliance and Novacare, with support from both the NSW and Australian Departments of Health.

Exercises are chair based and include warm up, lower and upper body strength and core, as well as balance and flexibility.

Opening hours:

Thursdays at 11am


Cost per visit: $10

Target age:

65 Plus

Participants who would not be suitable for the program:

Should be at least 6 weeks post heart surgery/major surgery, complicated surgery, severe dizziness, uncontrolled hypertension or uncontrolled diabetes. Need to be able to independently walk in and out of class.

Special requirements or conditions:

Comfortable clothing and bring water.

Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert IV

Healthcare clearance requirement:


Private health insurance rebates:


Parking availability:


Transport options:

  • Bus
  • Community Transport

Special directions:

Waratah Room within Tomaree Library and Community Centre.

Plan your trip:
