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ActiveStrongerBetter Cooks Hill - She Strength

YWCA Hunter, 24 Dawson Street
Cooks Hill

Contact details

Phone: Donna 0412541393, Cath 0407634495 or YWCA 4929 2954
Email: asb@novacare.org.au
Website: https://activestrongerbetter.net/class-locations/

Program details

She Strength is a 1 hour women's only program that offers an aerobic warm-up followed by a mix of hand weights, resistance bands, and body weight exercises.

The goal of She Strength is to boost your strength and confidence in a supportive environment, with an emphasis on correct form and safe technique.

Registration is essential. 

Opening hours:

Monday 9:30-10:30am and 10:45-11:45am Level 1/2 with Donna

Thursday 9:30-10:30am Level 2/3 with Cath


$13.50 per class (Registration essential: https://www.ywcahunterregion.org.au/she-strength/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFq7o5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHR8Q93ta8dczOSIjH81Wi5kHWCubGYGaaAxwFeyQVI9aqOax2ojbNGrxjA_aem_8Ud-3GwEg15MySwLkJFuvg)

Target age:

50 Plus

Participants who would not be suitable for the program:

If a client requires a support worker in every day activities, then the support worker should attend and exercise with their clients.

Special requirements or conditions:

Loose comfortable clothes and flat well supported shoes.

Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert IV

Parking availability:


Transport options:

  • Bus
  • Community Transport

Plan your trip:
