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DanceMoves for Seniors Turramurra

Turramurra Uniting Church Hall 10 Turramurra Ave

Contact details

Phone: 1300 183 342
Email: info@dancehealthalliance.org.au
Website: https://www.dancehealthalliance.org.au/

Program details

Experience fitness, connection and joy at our community DanceMoves for Seniors weekly classes at Turramurra.

DanceMoves can be done seated, and it's your choice to progress to standing and then dancing to your music favourites.

All classes build strength, balance, mobility and flexibility while you're having fun.

Join us for your first class for FREE!

Opening hours:

Classes run at 10.30 am every Wednesday during the school term.


Cost per term: $115

Target age:

65 Plus

Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Dance Instructor

Parking availability:


Transport options:

  • Bus
  • Train

Plan your trip:
