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Zumba Gold - Glebe- City of Sydney Council

St Helen's Community Centre 184 Glebe Point Rd

Contact details

Phone: 02 9265 9180
Email: jmayr@cityofsydeny.nsw.gov.au
Website: https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/zumba-gold-with-zarala-at-st-helens

Program details

Zumba Gold is suitable for beginners, older adults and anyone who would like to join a slower paced, low impact dance party.

Get your heart rate up dancing to all the same rhythms from all over the world, without the impact on your body like a standard Zumba class.

Move your body however it suits you. Zumba Gold improves your balance, posture, coordination and mood.

Opening hours:

Zumba Gold runs during school terms

Mondays1pm- 2pm


Cost per visit: $5 (Card only)

Target age:

50 Plus

Special requirements or conditions:

Wear comfy clothes you can move in.

Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Fitness Leader - Accredited

Parking availability:


Transport options:

  • Bus

Special directions:

St Helen's Community Centre is next to Glebe Library.<br />
Walk through the community garden and up the ramp on the side of the building<br />
2 hour free street parking on Wigram Rd<br />
Disability Parking behind the Centre at the end of Wigram Lane

Plan your trip:
