NSW Health - Active and Healthy logo

Active over 50s

2B Brett Street

Contact details

Phone: 8707 6930
Email: jamier@rwc.org.au
Website: https://www.healthmates.com.au/

Program details

If you’re over 50 and enjoy the company of other like-minded exercisers, give this class a go. It’s 1 hour, light paced and focuses on your needs; gentle cardiovascular, bone and muscle strengthening exercises combined with elements of balance and core activation, not to forget it's a whole heap of fun!

Other classes our older adults also enjoy are:

  • Lite and Lo - the ideal class for those wanting a mild paced workout. It’s slightly more intense than our Active Over 50’s class.
  • Tone Up - target your full body with this muscle toning class incorporating dumbbells, bands and body weight exercises. It’s easy to follow and guaranteed to work your abs, butts and thighs.
  • Stretch - this relaxing class begins with a gentle warm up followed by a series of stretches designed to improve your flexibility, minimise muscle imbalances and release stored muscle tension.
  • Pilates - a mellow paced body conditioning class that combines breathing, stretching and strengthening to achieve and maintain optimal posture. Allow your body to move freely and efficiently by strengthening your deep abdominal and core stabilisers while relaxing tense neck and shoulder muscles.

Opening hours:

Monday - 10:30 am

Friday - 10:30 am

This program runs yearly but is subject to change at any time per the timetable available on our website.


Cost per visit: $23Cost per term: Upwards of $100

Target age:

50 Plus

Special requirements or conditions:

Please bring towel and water and individuals must be a member of Revesby Workers Club.

Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Accredited Yoga Instructor

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert III

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert IV

Private health insurance rebates:


Parking availability:


Transport options:

  • Bus
  • Train
  • Community Transport

Special directions:

Entrance to the Gym is at the rear entrance of the Revesby Workers Club.

Plan your trip: