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Activity program for everyone - QiGong and Tai Chi at Tunde-World Online Class

Contact details

Phone: 0431 466 450
Email: tundeworld@gmail.com
Website: https://tundeworld.com/TimeTable

Program details

This program includes:

  • Warm up routine
  • Includes Knee Activation, Kidney/Internal Organs Activation and some block opening Qigong movements.

Qigong routines (each term it changes)

 Tai Chi routines

Cool down routine - Calming Form, Collecting Energy, Self-Body Massage, Releasing Blocked Energy with tapping the full body and drop all negative energy.

Everyone is welcome, there are no age or flexibility restrictions.

Opening hours:

Please check class details on website: http://www.tundeworld.com/TimeTable 

Booking is essential.


Cost per term: For fee guidelines for this year of Tai Chi / Qi Gong Sessions please visit the website: http://tundeworld.com/TimeTable

Languages spoken other than English:


Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert IV

Tai Chi Instructor (Accredited)

Tai Chi Leader
