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Falls prevention

Falls can be common, with 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 falling each year.

In this module, you will learn common causes of falls and simple tips to reduce your risk of falling, including the importance of staying active. You will also learn how to improve safety in and around your home, and what to do if you experience a fall at home.

You can also download the Falls prevention fact sheet.

For the best experience, we recommend you view the online module on a computer or laptop. Some content may be displayed differently on mobile devices or tablets.

Click anywhere on the module below to play and click on the ellipsis (3 dots) to open the module in a new window to view in full screen.

Before you start, you can watch this short introduction video to learn how you can use the Healthy Ageing Online Learning modules.

Want to speak to a health coach?

All NSW older adults can access free phone and online health coaching through the Get Healthy Service. The Get Healthy Service offers coaching and online support to help you make lifestyle changes and reach your health goals. The program can support you to:

  • eat healthy
  • be physically active
  • drink less alcohol
  • reach and stay at a healthy weight

For more information on the Get Healthy Service or to register for the program, call 1300 806 258 or visit www.gethealthynsw.com.au



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