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Boxing Drills, Skills, Fitness and Fun

10/156 Hartley Rd, SMEATON GRANGE

Contact details

Phone: 0414 47 8383
Email: pdsmartialarts@gmail.com
Website: https://www.thepitmartialarts.com.au/

Program details

Basic Boxing Drills & Appropriate fitness skills to develop strength and improve balance and coordination with lots of laughs along the way.
The idea of boxing can be very intimidating, no matter your age. It's a fascinating sport with its mixture of strikes and strategy, but working up the courage to step into a boxing gym can take some time. If you've waited until you're over 50, don't let your age deter you—there are professional boxers who still fight in their 50s!


Cardiovascular health

Upper cut. Lower cut. Jab, jab, jab. One ferocious punch after the other. Your heart’s medicine. Like your body needs carbs for energy and health, your heart needs cardio. And what better way to weave cardio into your life that letting it all out on a punching bag for a few minutes? Cardiovascular health is essential to longevity, functionality and overall long-term health. So, instead of going on that mundane walk around the block you dread, sign up for a boxing class. You’ll get a more enjoyable workout, from which you’ll reap more benefits.

Functional training

Can’t open a jar? Need to carry a box from one room to another? Climbing the stairs still hurts your back? Worry not! Boxing has your back… literally. Better posture, functional strength and a stronger core are only some of the benefits of this particular form of exercise. With a balance of upper-body, lower-body and abdominal strength training – in addition to stretching – boxing preps your body for all its daily demands.

Mental health

It has been proven that keeping an elevated heart rate for twenty minutes a day significantly reduces chances of depression, anxiety and other mental conditions. Take care of your body, and it will take care of your mind – and vise-versa. Go to boxing class, release endorphins – release endorphins, choose salad over cake. The process of staying healthy requires a solid mind-body balance. All you need is consistency – and signing up for classes is a great way to keep tabs on your physical activity.


It’s not a sport, it a martial art. It’s not the gym, it’s a den (inside the gym, but still). It’s good for your heart, mind and soul. You learn a new, useful skill while banging punches out on a punching bag. You meet new people, socialize and get some movement into your daily routine. You feel good, you have fun. And isn’t that all there is to staying healthy?

☯️Personal Defence Studios - The PIT☯️

Unit 10/156 Hartley Rd, SMEATON GRANGE NSW 2567


E: pdsmartialarts@gmail.com

Facebook: The Pit Martial Arts

Belong Evolve Excel


Opening hours:

Tuesday Mornings 11:00 -11.40am

$10 per class


Cost per visit: $8.00

Target age:

50 Plus, 55 Plus, 60 Plus, 65 Plus

Participants who would not be suitable for the program:

dementia/cognitive impairment, post-surgery or those with walking aids

Special requirements or conditions:

bring a drink bottle & a towel

Minimum experience:


Leader qualifications:

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert III

Fitness Leader - Registered Cert IV

Stepping On Facilitator

Tai Chi Instructor (Accredited)

Tai Chi Leader

Qigong Leader

Healthcare clearance requirement:


Parking availability:


Transport options:

  • Bus

Other transport available:

Private transport.

Special directions:

We have parking on site right in front of the centre.

Plan your trip:
