To register your program under the fall prevention category, it must meet the first three criteria listed above for general physical activity programs and be run by a qualified exercise leader or health professional. It must also meet the additional criteria below to be classified as a fall prevention program. Each listing will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Criteria 1: Provide a challenge to balance
To be listed as a falls prevention program, your program must include exercises that safely include:
- reducing the base of support (e.g., standing with two legs close together, standing with one foot directly in front of the other, standing on one leg);
- moving the centre of gravity and controlling body position while standing (e.g., reaching, transferring body weight from one leg to another, stepping up onto a higher surface); and
- standing without using the arms for support, or if this is not possible, then aim to reduce reliance on the upper limbs (e.g., hold onto a surface with one hand rather than two, or one finger instead of the whole hand).
You should list the specific balance exercises on your registration form for NSW Ministry of Health review. Include as much detail about the exercises in your class to support your request to be listed as a falls prevention program.
- Strength training can be included in addition to balance training.
- Walking training can be included in addition to balance training, but high risk individuals should not be prescribed brisk walking programs.
- Tai Chi registrations are automatically accepted.
Criteria 2: Class time
At least 40% of class time should be spent on balance challenging exercises.
The inclusion criteria for falls prevention programs were established in consultation with NSW falls prevention experts. These were last updated September 2024.
All inclusion decisions will be at the discretion of NSW Ministry of Health. Please note that NSW Ministry of Health reserves the right to amend these inclusion criteria at any time without notice.
Workshops provide continuing professional development and learning opportunities for general practitioners, other medical doctors, practice nurses, occupational therapists and other interested allied health professionals.
Find a falls prevention workshop for health professionals designed to prevent falls in older people.