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Preventing falls

Falls can be common, with 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 falling each year. A fall can lead to injury, loss of confidence and reduced independence.

But falls are not an inevitable part of getting older. Learning simple steps to improve your strength and balance can help you keep fit, active and reduce your risk of falling. 

You can learn about preventing falls by completing our module on falls prevention or search the Active and Healthy directory to find a falls prevention program, like Stepping On, in your local area.

For a falls prevention program, look for programs with the “FP” falls prevention symbol. This means the program is designed to help reduce the risk of having a fall.

Our Staying Active and On Your Feet booklet is also full of ideas and information about ways to reduce your risk of falling. People living in NSW can get a free printed copy posted to them.

Ask your general practitioner (GP) or health professional if you need help with falls prevention.

Here are some ideas you might like to get started with:

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